Is Your Dog Losing Hair? It Might Be Seasonal Alopecia In Dog

Is Your Dog Losing Hair? It Might Be Seasonal Alopecia In Dog - Pet Supermarket

If your once furry friend suddenly seems to be leaving a trail of hair wherever they go, don't panic. While some shedding is normal, excessive hair loss could signify seasonal alopecia. This condition is harmless but can be alarming if you're unprepared.

Seasonal alopecia usually causes bald patches on a dog's flanks. It might make you worry, but don't despair – the hair often grows back on its own. In this blog, we'll break down seasonal alopecia, why it happens, and how you can help your pup feel their furry best.

Symptoms Of Seasonal Alopecia In Dogs

Seasonal alopecia in dogs, known explicitly as seasonal flank alopecia, is characterized by the cyclic loss and regrowth of hair. It primarily affects certain breeds more than others.

The symptoms typically manifest during specific times of the year, commonly during the late winter and early spring, although the timing can vary. Here are the key symptoms and characteristics of seasonal alopecia in dogs:

Localized Hair Loss

The most notable symptom of seasonal alopecia is hair loss in specific areas, typically symmetrically on both sides of the body. Common sites for hair loss include the flanks, although it can also affect the back, neck, and thighs. The hair loss is usually non-scarring, meaning there is no permanent damage to the hair follicles.


The skin in the areas where the hair has been lost often turns darker, a condition known as hyperpigmentation. This change in skin color can become more pronounced over time if the alopecia persists across multiple seasons.

Smooth, Bald Patches

The areas of hair loss tend to be smooth and devoid of any hair, without signs of scaling, crusting, or other surface irregularities that might suggest a dermatological disease.

Lack of Itching

Unlike many other skin conditions that cause hair loss, seasonal alopecia is typically not associated with itching (pruritus). This lack of itching helps differentiate it from other conditions like allergies or parasitic infections.

Hair Regrowth

In many cases, the lost hair may regrow once the season changes. The new hair might initially be a different color—often lighter—before eventually returning to its everyday shade.

General Health Unaffected

Dogs with seasonal alopecia are usually in good health otherwise, without any accompanying systemic symptoms. The condition affects the appearance of the skin and coat but does not typically impact the dog's overall well-being.

What Causes Seasonal Alopecia In Dogs?

Seasonal alopecia in dogs, also known as seasonal flank alopecia, is a condition characterized by periodic hair loss. This type of alopecia usually occurs during specific times of the year, often during late winter or early spring, and can vary in appearance and severity.

Despite its noticeable effects, the exact causes of seasonal alopecia remain somewhat unclear, but several theories and contributing factors have been proposed:

Light Exposure

The most widely accepted theory suggests that seasonal alopecia may be linked to changes in light exposure. Like many other animals, dogs are influenced by photoperiods (the length of day and night), which can affect hormonal balances that, in turn, influence hair growth cycles.

Reduced daylight in the winter months may disrupt the average production of melatonin and other hormones that regulate hair follicle function, leading to hair loss.

Melatonin Secretion

Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and seasonal rhythms, is thought to play a significant role in this condition. It is produced in the brain's pineal gland and is influenced by light exposure.

Inadequate melatonin production during shorter days has been associated with the onset of seasonal alopecia in susceptible dogs.

Prolactin Levels

Some studies suggest that prolactin, another hormone, may also be involved. Prolactin has various bodily functions, including playing a role in hair follicle cycles. Abnormal prolactin levels correlated with changes in light exposure could trigger hair loss.

Breed Predisposition

Certain breeds seem more prone to developing seasonal alopecia, indicating a possible genetic predisposition. Breeds commonly affected include Boxers, Bulldogs, Airedale Terriers, Schnauzers, and Doberman Pinschers. This suggests that genetic factors influence how certain dogs respond to environmental triggers like light.

Temperature and Climate

Some speculate that temperature and overall climate conditions could contribute to seasonal alopecia.

Dogs in specific geographic locations or climates might experience this condition more frequently, although there is less direct evidence to support this theory compared to the influence of light exposure.

Dog Breeds Prone to Seasonal Alopecia

Here are some of the breeds that are more commonly affected by this condition:

  • Boxers: Boxers are one of the breeds most frequently affected by seasonal alopecia. They can experience episodes of hair loss that typically start around the flanks and occasionally extend to other parts of the body.
  • English Bulldogs: Another breed commonly affected, English Bulldogs often show signs of seasonal alopecia, with hair loss and hyperpigmentation on their flanks.
  • French Bulldogs: Similar to their English counterparts, French Bulldogs may also suffer from this condition, displaying patchy hair loss that is usually symmetrical.
  • Airedale Terriers: This breed can experience seasonal alopecia, often with noticeable hair loss that may or may not regrow naturally as the seasons change.
  • Schnauzers: Miniature and standard Schnauzers are prone to this condition. They typically exhibit clear, well-defined patches of hair loss.
  • Labrador Retrievers: While not as commonly affected as some other breeds, Labrador Retrievers can also suffer from seasonal alopecia, particularly on their flanks and occasionally on other parts of their body.
  • Cocker Spaniels: Known for their beautiful coats, Cocker Spaniels can experience seasonal alopecia, leading to noticeable hair loss in specific areas.
  • Doberman Pinschers: Dobermans are susceptible to this condition, often losing hair in symmetrical patterns along their sides.
  • American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers: These breeds may also show symptoms of seasonal alopecia, with hair loss typically occurring in the spring and regrowing in the fall.
  • Dachshunds: Although less common, Dachshunds can be affected by seasonal alopecia, showing hair loss that is generally limited to certain areas of the body.

Differences Between Alopecia And Seasonal Alopecia In Dogs

Alopecia in dogs refers to hair loss that can occur for various reasons, ranging from health conditions to genetic predisposition. Seasonal alopecia is a type of hair loss in dogs that occurs at certain times of the year and typically resolves itself without treatment.

Key Differences

  • Seasonality: Regular alopecia can occur at any time and is not influenced by seasons, unlike seasonal alopecia, which typically occurs at specific times of the year.
  • Underlying Causes: General alopecia has many causes, including systemic health problems, typically not a factor in seasonal alopecia.
  • Treatment Approaches: Seasonal alopecia often requires no intervention unless it fails to resolve independently, whereas alopecia generally needs targeted treatment based on the underlying cause.

What are the Treatments for Seasonal Dog Alopecia?

The treatment for seasonal alopecia is often optional because the condition is cosmetic, and the hair typically regrows independently. However, some owners might choose to treat or manage the condition for aesthetic reasons or to speed up hair regrowth potentially. Here are some common treatment and management options:

  • Melatonin Supplementation: Melatonin is one of the most commonly used treatments for seasonal alopecia. It's believed to help regulate the hair cycle and encourage hair regrowth. Melatonin can be given orally in the form of tablets or implants. A veterinarian should always determine dosages based on the dog’s size and overall health.
  • Light Therapy: Some veterinarians recommend light therapy since seasonal alopecia may be linked to light exposure affecting hormonal balances. Exposing the dog to increased amounts of artificial light during the winter months can mimic longer daylight hours and possibly prevent or reduce the severity of hair loss.
  • Topical Treatments: While not specifically targeted at curing seasonal alopecia, certain topical treatments can help improve the skin's condition and may support hair growth. These might include medicated shampoos or conditioners that promote skin health.
  • Diet and Supplements: Ensuring your dog has a well-balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can help maintain skin and coat health. Supplements like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may be beneficial, but you should consult your vet before starting any new dietary supplement.
  • Monitoring and Regular Vet Visits: Keeping regular appointments with your vet to monitor the condition can help ensure that if the hair loss is due to another underlying issue, it will be caught and treated appropriately. It's important to rule out other causes of hair loss, such as allergies, hormonal imbalances, or parasites.
  • Avoiding Stress: As with many conditions, stress can exacerbate seasonal alopecia. Maintaining a stable environment and routine for your dog can help manage their stress levels.

Recovery of Flank Alopecia in Dogs

Flank alopecia in dogs, often called seasonal flank alopecia, is a cyclic condition characterized by the loss and subsequent regrowth of hair, typically on the sides or flanks of the dog. Understanding the recovery process and what you can expect as your dog's hair begins to regrow is essential for managing this condition effectively.

Understanding the Recovery Timeline

The recovery process for flank alopecia in dogs varies depending on the individual dog and the severity of the condition. Typically, the hair loss is temporary, and the hair regrows on its own, often aligning with seasonal changes:

  • Regrowth Timing: Hair regrowth can begin naturally as the days lengthen in the spring. The cycle of hair loss and regrowth is often annual, with hair loss occurring in the fall or winter and regrowth in the spring or summer.
  • Hair Texture and Color: The new hair may appear finer and lighter than the original. Over time, it usually darkens and returns to its normal texture, although in some cases, the hair may remain slightly different from the rest of the coat.

Factors Influencing Recovery

Several factors can influence the speed and success of hair regrowth in dogs with flank alopecia:

  • Breed and Genetics: Some breeds may recover faster or more fully than others. Additionally, genetic factors can affect how each dog responds to the condition.
  • Nutritional Status: Adequate nutrition is crucial for healthy hair growth. Ensuring your dog has a balanced diet of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can support recovery.
  • Overall Health: Dogs in good general health will likely experience quicker and more complete hair regrowth. Underlying health issues may complicate or slow the recovery process.

Supporting Recovery

While treatment is not always necessary for flank alopecia, there are several ways you can support your dog’s recovery and encourage healthy hair regrowth:

  • Nutritional Support: Feed your dog a high-quality diet with appropriate levels of omega fatty acids, which can help improve skin and coat health. Your vet might also recommend biotin, zinc, and vitamin E supplements.
  • Maintain Skin Health: Groom your dog regularly to improve skin circulation and remove dead hair and skin cells, which can encourage hair growth. Use gentle, hypoallergenic grooming products to avoid irritating the skin.
  • Manage Exposure to Sunlight: Since the condition may be linked to light exposure, managing your dog’s sunlight might help regulate the hair growth cycle. However, this should be done under veterinary guidance to avoid unintended effects.
  • Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Regular check-ups can help monitor the condition and ensure no complications or underlying issues hinder recovery.

Monitoring for Recurrence

As flank alopecia can be a recurring condition, monitoring your dog each season for signs of hair loss is important. Early detection can help manage the condition more effectively and allow for timely intervention.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

If you notice that the hair is not regrowing as expected or if the skin appears irritated or infected, consult your veterinarian. They can assess whether additional treatment is needed or if another underlying condition may affect your dog’s recovery.

What to Expect When Treating Canine Flank Alopecia

What to Expect When Treating Canine Flank Alopecia - Pet Super Market

Managing canine flank alopecia is often about long-term care and monitoring rather than a permanent cure, especially since the condition tends to be recurrent. Here’s what long-term management might look like:

  • Recurrent Episodes: Be prepared for the possibility that the alopecia might recur with each seasonal change. Recognizing the signs early can help you manage them more effectively with your vet's assistance.
  • Continued Treatments: Some treatments, like melatonin or dietary supplements, must be continued long-term to manage the condition effectively.
  • Regular Veterinary Visits: Regular check-ups with your vet are crucial to monitor the condition and adjust treatments as necessary. These visits are also important to ensure no other underlying issues are causing or exacerbating the hair loss.


The good news is that canine flank alopecia is a cosmetic issue that does not typically affect your dog's general health. The prognosis for dogs with this condition is generally very good, especially with proper management:

  • Quality of Life: Dogs with flank alopecia usually maintain a good quality of life. The condition does not cause itchiness or discomfort, so it should not affect your dog's happiness or activity level.
  • Cosmetic Appearance: While the cosmetic appearance of bald patches can concern owners, it’s important to remember that your dog is likely not bothered by this condition.

Final Words

While seeing your dog lose hair can be stressful, remember that seasonal alopecia is generally harmless, albeit sometimes frustrating. With patience and understanding, you can help your furry companion through these shedding cycles.

If you're concerned about the extent of the hair loss or see other skin changes, don't hesitate to consult your veterinarian. They can help rule out any underlying health issues and provide additional guidance for managing your dog's skin and coat health.

Remember, your dog relies on you for love and care, even when looking less fluffy than usual!