Why Dog Licking Tail Base? Reasons & Remedies

Why Dog Licking Tail Base Reasons and Remedies - Pet Super Market

Have you ever noticed your furry companion obsessively licking their tail base, leaving you puzzled and concerned?

Our latest blog post has the answers if you're wondering why your dog keeps licking their tail base. We cover all the common reasons behind this behavior so you can understand what's going on with your furry friend.

From health issues like allergies and parasites to emotional factors such as anxiety or boredom, we explore the various causes that could be causing your dog to lick excessively. Check out why dog licking tail base and their reasons and remedies.

Understanding why your dog licks tail base is essential, but it's not enough. We provide actionable solutions to help you alleviate your dog's discomfort and restore their well-being. This comprehensive guide is tailored for dog owners and enthusiasts eager to decode their pet's behavior and ensure their canine companion's health and happiness.

So, let's explore together the reasons behind this peculiar habit and the effective strategies to address it, providing a happier tail-wagging friend.

Why Dog Licking Tail Base?

Dogs may lick the base of their tail for various reasons, including:

  • Grooming behavior: Licking occasionally, or when the fur is dirty, is a usual way for dogs to keep their coat clean and shiny.
  • Anal gland issues: Licking the base of the tail can be a sign of anal sac impaction or other problems with the anal glands, which may cause discomfort and the need for relief.
  • Allergies and parasites: Allergies, fleas, and other parasites can cause dogs to lick their hindquarters excessively, indicating discomfort or irritation in the area.
  • Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in dog can also lead to excessive licking of the rear end, as dogs may lick at the area to relieve discomfort.

Why Male Dog Licking Base of Tail?

Male dogs often lick the base of their tail due to regular grooming or health issues in that area. Here are some common reasons why male dogs lick near the base of their tail:

  • Cleaning: The area under the tail can accumulate dirt, debris, and odor, so dogs naturally lick to keep themselves clean. This is normal self-grooming behavior.
  • Gland issues: Dogs have anal glands under the tail that can sometimes get blocked or infected. Excessive licking may indicate anal gland impaction or infection causing discomfort. A vet examination is needed.
  • Skin irritation: Allergies, parasites, infections, or injuries can cause skin irritation and inflammation around the tail base, leading to excessive licking at that spot.
  • Impacted anal sacs: Anal sacs next to the anus can become impacted or abscessed, which is painful. Persistent licking signals vet assistance is required.
  • Nerve pain: Nerve injuries or compression in the lower spine can cause neurogenic pain at the tail base. This requires a veterinary diagnosis.

If licking the tail area becomes excessive, inflamed, or persists beyond routine grooming, the dog likely has skin issues or pain needing veterinary attention.

Why Dog Biting Base of Tail Until It Bleeds?

When a dog bites the base of its tail until it bleeds, it can be concerning and may indicate an underlying issue. Several reasons can lead to this behavior, including:

  • Stress, Boredom, or Confinement: Dogs may exhibit destructive behaviors, such as tail biting when stressed, bored, or confined. Providing mental and physical stimulation, regular exercise, and a stimulating environment can help alleviate these issues.
  • Allergies: Dogs can suffer from various allergies, including food allergies, environmental allergies (like pollen or dust), and flea allergies. These allergies can initiate severe itching and discomfort, leading the dog to bite at the base of its tail.
  • Parasites: Fleas, ticks, or worms can cause itching and discomfort, leading the dog to bite and chew at the base of its tail. It's essential to check for signs of fleas, ticks, or other parasites on the dog's tail and seek appropriate treatment if infestations are found.
  • Injury: Any injury to the tail or hindquarters, such as a broken or fractured tailbone, can lead to pain and excessive chewing or biting at the affected area. Veterinary examination and X-rays are necessary to diagnose and treat such injuries.
  • Skin Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can cause skin itching and discomfort, prompting a dog to bite at its tail.

Deal Anal Gland Issues To Stop It From Licking Tail Base

Dealing with a dog's anal gland issues is essential to prevent discomfort and health problems that can lead to excessive licking of the tail base. Here's how to manage and prevent these issues:

Dogs have two small anal glands located on either side of their rectum. These glands secrete a smelly fluid that's used for scent marking. Sometimes, these glands can become impacted, infected, or abscessed, causing discomfort.

Some dogs need regular help to express these glands, especially if they're prone to impaction. A vet or professional pet groomer can do this. Doing this at home is not recommended unless adequately trained, as improper technique can cause injury.

Deal Allergies and Parasites Issues To Stop It From Licking Tail Base

Dogs can be allergic to substances, including certain foods, pollen, dust mites, and flea saliva. Identifying the specific allergen is crucial. This might require working with your vet to conduct allergy tests or elimination diets.

Regular use of both flea and tick prevention medications is essential. These can be topical treatments, oral medications, or collars. Consult with a professional vet to choose the best option for your dog.

Grooming and baths with hypoallergenic or medicated shampoos can help remove the allergens from the skin and coat, reducing irritation and itching.

Depending on the severity of the allergies, your vet might prescribe antihistamines, corticosteroids, or other medications to control itching and inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help improve skin health.

How Do You Get Your Dog to Stop Licking?

How Do You Get Your Dog to Stop Licking - Pet Super Market

Getting your dog to stop licking, whether it's themselves, you, or objects around the house, involves understanding the reason behind the behavior and addressing it appropriately. Here are some strategies to help:

Identify the Cause

Licking can be a sign of various things, including anxiety, boredom, skin problems, or even just a habit. Observing when and what your dog licks can help identify the cause.

Provide Adequate Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Dogs often lick out of boredom or excess energy. Ensuring your dog gets enough physical exercise and mental stimulation can significantly reduce unwanted licking.

Use Distractions

When you notice your dog starting to lick, distract them with a toy or a quick training session. This redirection can help break the habit over time.

Training and Commands

Teach your dog a command such as “leave it” or “stop.” Use this command consistently when they start to lick, and reward them for obeying.

Consult a Veterinarian

If the licking seems excessive or compulsive, it’s a good idea to consult a veterinarian. They can rule out any underlying medical issues like allergies or skin conditions.

Create a Calming Environment

For dogs that lick due to anxiety, creating a calming environment can help. This might include a quiet space they can retreat to, anxiety-reducing products like a thunder shirt, or calming pheromone diffusers.

Keep Them Hydrated

Sometimes, dogs lick because they're thirsty. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water.

Avoid Reinforcing the Behavior

If your dog licks you for attention, do not inadvertently reward this behavior. Ignore the licking and only give attention when your dog is calm and not licking.

Topical Deterrents

For dogs that lick themselves excessively, a safe, bitter-tasting topical deterrent applied to the area they lick can discourage the behavior. However, it's essential to ensure that the licking isn't due to a skin condition or injury.

Consider Professional Help

If the licking is severe or seems to be a deeply ingrained habit, consulting a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist can provide tailored strategies for your specific situation.


We've uncovered various reasons, from medical issues like allergies and parasites to emotional factors such as stress or boredom, each requiring its own approach to resolution.

Remember, the key is observation and action. You can effectively address your dog's tail-base licking by understanding the specific causes and implementing suitable remedies, from veterinary care for health issues to environmental enrichment for behavioral reasons.

It's essential to approach this with patience and empathy, recognizing that your furry friend relies on you for their well-being.

We hope this blog has equipped you with the knowledge and tools to better understand and care for your dog. Always consult with your veterinarian for tailored advice, and remember, the health and happiness of our canine companions is a journey we take together.

Stay observant, stay informed, and continue to nurture the bond with your beloved pet.