Will A Dog With Bloat Still Want To Eat? Cracking the Bloat Code

Will A Dog With Bloat Still Want To Eat - Cracking the Bloat Code - Pet Super Market

Every dog owner loves seeing their furry friend eagerly waiting for mealtime, tail wagging with anticipation.

But what if one day, your beloved pet's enthusiasm wanes, replaced by discomfort and disinterest in food? This could be a sign of canine bloat, a dangerous condition affecting up to 60,000 dogs annually in the U.S. alone.

This often-overlooked condition can dramatically alter your dog's eating habits, turning a once joyous event into a source of distress. Let's dive into the world of canine bloat, understand its impact on your dog's appetite, and how you, as a caring owner, can help.

What is Canine Bloat?

At the heart of our discussion is a condition called 'canine bloat,' also known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV). But what exactly can this ailment turn your dog's mealtime upside down?

Think of canine bloat as a sudden gas attack on your dog's stomach. The stomach fills up with gas and sometimes twists, preventing the gas from escaping. It's like your dog swallowed a balloon that keeps expanding, causing severe discomfort and distress.

While any dog breed can be affected, large breeds with deep chests, like Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Boxers, are at a higher risk. But don't let this fool you - small breeds are not immune. And if you have an elderly dog, it's essential to be extra watchful, as age is a significant risk factor.

Bloat is not just an uncomfortable condition for dogs; it's life-threatening. It's the second leading cause of death in dogs after cancer. It can escalate rapidly, often requiring immediate veterinary intervention. One moment your dog could happily chase its tail, and the next, it could fight for its life.

Effects of Bloat on a Dog's Eating Habits

So, how does canine bloat tie into your pet's eating habits? It's a question that puzzles many dog owners.

Firstly, it's essential to understand that a bloated stomach creates a lot of discomfort for your dog. Imagine having a Thanksgiving-sized meal and then being unable to relieve the pressure. Uncomfortable, right? This is what a dog with bloat experiences, except it's much more severe.

This discomfort can affect your dog's desire to eat. Some dogs may try to eat but struggle due to pain. Others may lose interest in food. Seeing a once food-loving pet avoiding its favorite treats can be heartbreaking.

However, it's not just a decreased appetite we must worry about. Some dogs with bloat might paradoxically appear ravenous, despite having a bloated stomach. They might eat rapidly and excessively, which can exacerbate the problem by introducing more gas into the already distended stomach.

It's also crucial to know that these changes in eating habits can be rapid or gradual, depending on the severity of the condition. One day your dog may be gobbling down its meals, and the next, it might barely touch its food.

These changes in eating behavior are more than just a sign of a picky eater; they are a cry for help from your pet, signaling that something is wrong. Recognizing these signs early is critical in getting your furry friend the support it needs as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Bloat Related to Eating Habits

Now that we understand how bloat can affect your dog's eating habits, let's pinpoint the specific signs you should look for as a vigilant dog owner. Bloat is a condition where every moment counts, and your ability to spot these symptoms can make all the difference.

  • Loss of Appetite: If your usually ravenous pet suddenly shows disinterest in food, it could be a sign of bloat. Pay attention to any changes in their eating patterns.
  • Unsuccessful Attempts to Vomit: Dogs with bloat often feel nauseous and will try to vomit to relieve the pressure in their stomach. However, due to the twisted stomach, they may be unable to expel anything or only bring up small amounts of foam.
  • Rapid Eating: Contrary to loss of appetite, some dogs may eat excessively and rapidly despite a bloated stomach. This can be a desperate attempt to alleviate discomfort but often worsens the condition.
  • Changes in Behavior Post-Eating: Dogs with bloat may display restlessness, pacing, or difficulty finding a comfortable position to lie in after eating.
  • Swollen or Distended Abdomen: If your pet's abdomen appears swollen or feels hard to the touch, it may be a clear sign of bloat.
  • Excessive Drooling: If your dog is salivating more than usual, particularly around meal times, this could be a symptom of bloat.

Do Dogs with Bloat Drink a Lot?

Bloat can affect dogs' drinking behavior differently, similar to their eating behavior. Some dogs with bloat might not show interest in drinking due to the discomfort and distress caused by the condition. In other cases, a dog with bloat might attempt to drink excessively, possibly to alleviate pain.

However, gulping a lot of water down, especially after meals, can worsen the condition by introducing more volume into the stomach, increasing the pressure, and further distending the stomach.

This is one of the reasons why monitoring and controlling your dog's water intake is generally recommended, particularly around meal times if your dog is prone to bloat.

Would a Dog with Bloat be Able to Sleep?

Bloat is an excruciating and life-threatening condition for dogs. Dogs suffering from bloat are usually in significant discomfort and distress, making it unlikely for them to be able to sleep or even rest comfortably.

Some common signs of bloat include restlessness, unsuccessful attempts to vomit, pacing, and difficulty finding a comfortable position to lie down. If your dog shows these signs, especially after eating, this could indicate bloat and immediate veterinary attention is necessary.

Treating and Managing Bloat in Dogs

Treating and Managing Bloat in Dogs - Pet Super Market

If you think your dog may have bloat, it is essential to seek veterinary attention immediately. Treatment for bloat usually involves surgery to untwist the stomach and relieve the pressure.

After surgery, your dog's appetite may be decreased for a few days. This is normal and to be expected. However, if your dog's appetite does not return after a few days, or they start vomiting or diarrhea, you should contact your veterinarian.

You can do a few things to help your dog recover from bloat and prevent it from happening again. These include:

  • Feeding your dog smaller meals more often.
  • Avoiding feeding your dog after exercise.
  • Not allowing your dog to drink large amounts of water immediately after eating.
  • Using a slow-feeder bowl.
  • Feeding your dog a diet that is high in fiber.
  • Keep your dog hydrated.

If you are concerned about bloat, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you develop a plan to keep your dog safe and healthy.

Here are some additional tips for preventing bloat in dogs:

  • Avoid feeding your dog table scraps.
  • Do not feed your dog foods that are high in fat or sugar.
  • Do not allow your dog to eat quickly.
  • Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water available at all times.
  • If you have a large breed dog, consider having them fitted with a gastropexy, a surgical procedure that helps to prevent the stomach from twisting.

Preventing bloat is not guaranteed, but these measures can significantly reduce the risk. By promoting healthy eating habits and being vigilant about the signs of bloat, you can help protect your furry friend from this dangerous condition.

Your watchful care is your dog's first line of defense.


With up to 60,000 dogs affected each year in the U.S., understanding this condition is not just essential—it can be lifesaving.

Remember, changes in your dog's eating habits can be the first cry for help. Your prompt action, driven by your love and bond with your furry companion, can make all the difference. You're not just a pet owner; you're a guardian, a friend, and a lifesaver.

So, let's stay alert and informed and ensure our beloved pets stay healthy and happy, one meal at a time.